Friday, September 17, 2010

Top 5 Attractions in New York City in Winter

There are really two winter seasons in New York City -- the holiday season and the post-holiday season. During the holiday season (Thanksgiving to New Years) the top attractions differ from during the post-holiday season (Jan. 2-March 31). Consequently, this list will have some alternates for the post-holiday season.

New York City is a cold and hard place, but that doesn't detract from its beauty in the coldest, hardest season. If you're visiting New York between Thanksgiving and New Years, here are the top five attractions:

  1. Rockefeller Center -- There is something magical about this place. The awe one might feel upon seeing the Sistine Chapel is very much alive in the glow of the Christmas tree. There is no more "Christmasy" feeling to be had in the entire world. Your every sense is indulged to its fullest with the season. Never mind the crowds, this is a must.
  2. The store displays along Fifth Avenue -- Even during a recession, retailers in New York go all out with window displays. You can walk along Fifth between 57th and 34th on either side of the street and see amazing creations. Be sure to take pictures because they will be gone. If you're walking in a downtown direction, turn right at 34th and go a block or two to Macy's. If you're walking uptown, turn right at 57th and check out Bloomingdale's, plus a lot of beautiful shops on 57th.
  3. Central Park -- Everyone knows the ice skating rink is gorgeous, but my favorite view is from Strawberry Fields. It's wide open and nothing compares if there is snow.
  4. The Metropolitan Museum of Art -- If the weather is really crummy, spend an entire day here. There are a lot of museums in New York, but this one has it all -- from modern art all the way back to ancient Egypt.
  5. Greenwich Village and Soho -- It may seem kind of cliche, but this is a great place to poke around in winter. You can always duck into a little cafe for a coffee or libation, and there are a lot of pretty little shops to check out.

There are about a thousand other attractions that are wonderful in the winter, but those five should keep you busy for a while. If you're visiting between January and March, replace the first two items on the list with:

  1. The Theatre District -- Again, if the weather is rough, you can kill a lot of time seeing incredible productions.
  2. The Breakers -- Head way uptown on a snowy day. This place is absolutely beautiful.

Have a wonderful trip!

By the way, I know where to get a great walking tour of NYC.

And here are some NYC book recommendations so that you can be prepared.

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