Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Philippines Top 10 Destination this Holy Week

Philippines are lots of destination for foregn and even locals specially this holy week. The majority of the people of the Philippines are Catholics, there are know traditions that are being upheld every Lenten season or Holy Week. Majority the Filipinos are celebrating Holy Week or Lenten season true stay with family and go together in the church or some are visiting there relatives in the province.

Here are the top places in the Philippines where you can enjoy and relax while summer of the heat and some privacy this Lenten Season o Holy Week.

1. Boracay Island in Aklan Philippines
2. Puerto Galera in Puerto Princessa
3. Coron in Palawan Puerto Princessa
4. Batangas in Manila
5. Camiguin Island in Cebu City
6. Cebu in Cebu City
7. Bohol in Bohol Philippines
8. Baguio in Baguio City Philippines
9. Pampanga in Pampanga Philippines
10. La Union in La Union Philippines

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Can you please check your sources please? Camiguin Island is in MINDANAO! Not in Cebu City which is in VISAYAS.
