Sunday, May 16, 2010

History of Yulefest in the Blue Mountains of Australia

In 1980 a small group of Irish came to the Blue Mountains in their search for the crisp and clear winter climate they were used to back in Ireland. And as they drank and relaxed in front of the warming roaring log fires they glanced out through the frosted window panes and admired longingly with nostalgia the snowflakes dancing in the wind. Their thoughts turned to their homeland. At this point in time the Irish group turned to their host and the owner of Mountain Heritage and lamented that celebrating Christmas in Australia in the heat of summer did not "feel quite the same". This became a defining moment in the history of the Blue Mountains and Australia.

The name of Mountain Heritage was Garry Crockett. And as he quietly listened to his guests, Gary was reminded of his childhood and the stories of a white Christmas his own father Bill used to tell him. And as he thought of the traditional Christmas cards so many Australians send and receive depicting sleigh rides, frosted windows, Christmas feats of turkey and hams and mince pies with steaming plum puddings, the snowman and the choiristers joining together singing the joys of the festive season. As the images of a Northern Hemisphere Christmas unfolded in this mind Garry offered to re-create for his Irish guests a similar festive Christmas atmosphere at Mountain Heritage. And so the famous Yulefest in the Blue Mountains was born.

So preparations for the great feast began as everyone enthusiastically started the hanging of decorations throughout the hotel. Even a Christmas tree was put up. Some observers were a bit sceptical and thought this was just another Irish joke as no one has ever heard of a Christmas in the middle of the year. As Garry explained how important this occurrence was for a group of homesick Irish people, word began to spread far and wide, about the most unusual festive event at Mountain Heritage and enquiries from other interested parties, who also wanted to enjoy such a wonderful occasion, began flowing in.

And as time came to pass Chritmas in July was born on a cold wintry night at the Mountain Heritage. Today the tradition has become known as Yulefest and lives on throughout the Blue Mountains in the winter months of June, July and August. Many other regions have tried to imitate but none have succeeded like the Blue Mountains. Today the Yulefest celebration brings together people from all over the country and the world to enjoy a Christmas feast during the cold winter months.

Now many venues offer the traditional Christmas style celebrations, when you can experience warm Mountains hospitality with many establishments offering Winter Yulefest Packages. Typically you can expect a sumptuous six course dinner including the usual after glass of port; a cabaret show; a visit from Santa and caroling around open fireplaces and an atmosphere of Christmas that December really can't match. And you never know! Perhaps even a hint of snow on a cold winters night! It really is a Christmas celebration but without the stress.

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